While I try to avoid getting too technical or specific in these blog posts, I’ve received enough questions on this topic in the past few days to think that it warrants its own mention. The issue is this: whereas our high schools and junior highs have 7 or 8 periods, PowerSchool has as many as 14 periods, depending on the building. When Canvas synchronizes section names from PowerSchool, it uses the PowerSchool period numbers, meaning that the periods shown in Canvas don’t necessarily match the actual period of the day. This results in section names that seem to indicate period numbers that don’t even exist, such as this section at North Central JH – an 8-period school – that appears to take place during period 14:
To bring a little bit of clarity to this topic, Mike Haverkamp created the tables below that show how the section/period numbers in PowerSchool/Canvas correspond to our actual period numbers. Check out your school to see how they align:
Liberty and West High Schools
Liberty/West HS Period | PowerSchool/Canvas Period |
1st | 2 |
2nd | 3 |
3rd | 4 |
4th | 5 |
5th | 6 |
6th | 7 |
7th | 8 |
City HS Period | PowerSchool/Canvas Period |
1st | 3 |
2nd | 4 |
3rd | 5 |
4th | 6 |
5th | 7 |
6th | 8 |
7th | 9 |
North Central JH Period | PowerSchool/Canvas Period |
1st | 1 |
2nd | 2 |
3rd | 3 |
4/1 | 5 |
4/2 | 6 |
5/1 | 8 |
5/2 | 9 |
6th | 11 |
7th | 12 |
8th | 14 |
Northwest JH Period | PowerSchool/Canvas Period |
1st | 1 |
2nd | 2 |
3rd | 4 |
4L1 | 6 |
4L2 | 5 |
5th | 7 |
6th | 8 |
7th | 9 |
8th | 10 |
South East JH Period | PowerSchool/Canvas Period |
1st | 1 |
2nd | 2 |
3rd | 3 |
4/1 | 5 |
4/2 | 7 |
5/1 | 8 |
5/2 | 9 |
6th | 12 |
7th | 13 |
8th | 14 |