Jeremy Davis is a Technical Support Specialist for the district. Recently, he has been focusing on Chromebook repair and printer/phone/fax support requests. Jeremy has been with the district since 2019. Before coming to the district, he was a supply manager for a landlord. He once transported a merman statue to the company’s private clock museum, as one does.
Jeremy is from Chicago which may be why he is probably a fan of any Chicago sports team that is consistently bad.
If Jeremy could only eat one thing for the rest of his life, he would pick Oasis Hummus. He is aware that some other option may make more practical sense, but then he would not get to eat Oasis Hummus ever again.
His favorite board game is Dominion which brings the real question of which expansion pack is his favorite. Out of the 15 expansions currently available, Prosperity is Jeremy’s preferred expansion.
Jeremy feels old when he thinks back to the times that a high school friend bought around $8 in food from Burger King at lunch, and it made Jeremy think he was going to eat himself into an early grave (he’s still alive btw). And the fact that they have since demolished that Burger King, too.