Are you looking for an opportunity to expand your knowledge of computer science education and connect with other educators from across the state? Then mark your calendars for June 12-16, 2023 for Computer Science Professional Development Week (CS PD Week) at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.
✅ The Basics:
WHEN: June 12 – 16, 2023, Kickoff event the evening of Sunday, June 11th
WHERE: University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls (High School Cybersecurity at Waterloo Career Center)
WHO: All PreK-12 Educators, Counselors, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators who will be providing or supporting CS instruction in accredited public and non-public schools that have created a computer science plan
WHY: Support state and K-12 district CS plans and provide equitable access to high-quality CS professional development throughout the state
WHAT: PK-12 Computer Science professional development opportunities ranging from 1 to 5 days in duration from 8:30 – 4:30 each day
🚗 Logistics:
What is covered?
- Stipends: $150/day Monday – Friday (Sunday not included)
- Lodging: UNI dorm suites available Sunday – Thursday night
- Food: Breakfast & Lunch provided
Expenses not covered:
- Mileage/Travel expenses
- Evening meals
- Cost of licensure renewal or graduate credit if desired
🗳️ Registration:
The snapshot below highlights the current offerings over the week. Make sure to register for all PD by May 5: links on AEA CS website or go to the registration system and search for “CSPD week”.